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No796 の記事

■796 / )  Re[1]: ウルトラマグナス
□投稿者/ tingisu wo tukuttekudasai -(2018/12/01(Sat) 20:11:27)
    It has nothing to do with the story, but there are rules to say.

    This is a machine translation into English.
    >File up is basically anything that doesn't bother people ok
    >Write as a person, please write with good sense.
    >Please stop the link to the address of the bulletin board and the file directly.
    >If the above is not protected, you may be prohibited from access.

    ウルトラマグナス?If so, then the public has stopped.
    If you ask a question again, you have to decide.
    I would appreciate it if you could do it in the end.
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